Membership Application

Thorverton Community Land Trust (TCLT)

Membership application

TCLT was formed for the benefit of the community to operate as a Community Land Trust in the Parish of Thorverton. Its purpose shall be to further the social, economic and environmental interests of the community.

Membership conditions

Members must:

  • Be 18 or over
  • Agree to the Aims of the CLT (see below) and its Code of Conduct (available here) and Rules (see Rules of TCLT Ltd, Society no 9301 available here)
  • Pay a lifetime membership fee of £1.00. Send BACS transfer to Thorverton Community Land Trust Account No 72690429  Sort code 51-61-23, of for alternative details on how to pay see here.
  • Agree to the CLTs privacy notice concerning use of contact details (available here).

Benefits of being a member

  • To elect the Board
  • To support and influence the work and objectives of the CLT
  • To attend AGMs

TCLT aims

  • To provide affordable housing for local people in housing need
  • To involve the local community and to place the control of the assets into the hands of local people in perpetuity
  • To promote the following basic values:
    Fairness, honesty and accountability
    Sustainable development
    Conservation of the environment
    A sense of local identity and distinctiveness

Membership Application (each applicant to complete form individually please)


I wish to become a member of Thorverton CLT and hereby apply to be admitted subject to the provisions of its Rules.

I agree to pay the membership fee of £1 per person(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.